What We Do

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Our Mission

By raising public awareness and support of the Aiken County Historical Museum, we strive to ensure a continuum of preservation, documentation and restoration of historical records and artifacts so that they will be available to present and future generations.



Membership perks include discounted event tickets, Museum Store discounts, custom programs, and more. By joining as a Friend of the Museum, you support the growth and development of what is considered one of the finest museums in the state.

Banksia in Bloom


Our events include engaging lecture series, delightful teas, and more exciting activities for all to enjoy. Be sure to check back frequently for updates and new additions to our schedule, ensuring you don’t miss out on the unique experiences we offer at the museum!

Support Us

The Friends of the Museum is a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

433 Newberry Street, SW, Aiken SC 29801

Moments in Time

Moments in Time – A History of the Aiken County Historical Museum is now available for online purchase. You will have the option of picking up your book at the Aiken County Historical Museum (ACHM) or requesting flat rate shipping. You can also purchase a copy during regular Museum hours in the Museum Gift Store by check, cash, or credit. As always, we appreciate your support of the Friends of the Museum!